Fast CHEAP Luxon Key Runner. 480g per Key!
Hey, my name is Unforgiving Love, and im providing you with the service of running your Luxon Keys.
You can either supply me with the Keys, or pay me the small amount of 480g per key, and i will return the Unidentified items back to you, no tricks or scams.
Please PM me ingame or post here (I may not reply ingame first time as a might be busy, but i promise ill try)
I currently have - Treasure Hunter (1)
The drop rate that i am finding is:
Gold - 33%
Purple -66%
Gold Items -
Salvage item (contains rune) - 30%
Bow - 20%
Offhand - 20%
Sword - 5%
Axe - 5%
Hammer - 5%
Staff - 10%
Wand - 5%
I cannot gaurentee this accuracy but it seems fairly accurate on what i have gotten so far.
Thank you
Unforgiving Love